Random Gallery - Common Palmfly

Random Butterfly Gallery
The Common Palmfly (Elymnias hypermnestra agina)

The Common Palmfly is a common urban butterfly, usually observed in areas where its host plants - various species of Palms are cultivated. The species is widely distributed across Singapore, paricularly in locations where the host plants are found - whether in public parks, gardens or in the nature reserves. The Common Palmfly has bluish-black forewings with a series of light blue submarginal spots on the upperside. The underside is speckled with reddish-brown striae and is very variable.

This shot of the Common Palmfly was taken by ButterflyCircle member Henry Koh, using a 300mm f/4 lens with a 1.4x teleconvertor. Besides dedicated macro lenses, using long lenses (usually associated with bird photography) can sometimes be useful for skittish butterflies like the Common Palmfly.

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