Lulworth Skipper

An early start from Sussex yesterday to Dorset to see the Lulworth Skipper. Arriving on site there was a light sea mist and most butterflies were hiding in the undergrowth. A few Marbled White were visible but the Skippers were not showing. Near the cliff edge I spotted a small skipper and as it was still a bit drowsy it settled long enough to see it was what I was after. A fresh male Lulworth Skipper.
After successfully getting a few photos it was then hunting down a female. This proved quite easy as the sun came out pretty quickly and nearly all the skippers seen turned out to be females.

It was now time to try to get an underside shot. The underside of the antennae is one of the ways to check for Essex and Small Skippers so I was curious to see what the Lulworths' was like and I was quite surprised to find that the tip was orange.
Probably around 60 Lulworth Skippers were seen on the hill above Durdle Door. A few Small Skippers were also present as well as a couple of very fresh Painted Lady. Great Green Bush Cricket were active in the long grasses.
On the way back to Sussex the wellies came out for the very rare Bog Orchid.

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